Weg-sein, Wegsein, being-away, ser-ido, ser-ausente, being-gone
Se o ser-aí é experimentado justamente como o fundamento criador do ser (315) do homem e se, com isso, ele chega a saber que o ser-aí é apenas instante e história, então o ser humano habitual precisa ser determinado a partir daí como ser-ausente. Ele está “ausente” da constância do aí e completamente apenas junto ao ente como o presente à vista (esquecimento do ser). O homem é o ausente.
Ser-ausente é o título originário para a impropriedade do ser-aí.
Ser-ausente, esse modo visto a partir do “aí” e pertencente a ele do exercício com o presente à vista. (GA65:§201; GA65MAC:315-316)
(…) the τελευτή, “death,” is designated as τέλος. (Met. Δ 16, 1021 b 28 sq.) What becomes visible in this carrying-over (Übertragung)? We say of a human being: “He is finished (fertig), used up (erledigt), entirely completed (verbraucht).” Here it means that he is no longer what he was earlier; the one that he genuinely was earlier is no longer there. Being-completed (Fertigsein) is being-gone-from-being-there (Aus-dem-Dasein-Wegsein). What is the sense of the carrying-over when τελευτή is designated as τέλος? With death, life is at its end; death makes life complete in that it takes being away from the there, life disappears. With this carrying-over, τέλειον shows itself, τέλος as a character of being-there, insofar as τὸ τέλος, τέλειον, designates that being-there which we designate as no-longer-being-there (Nicht-mehr-Dasein), being-gone (Wegsein). Being-gone is a distinctive mode of being-there. Precisely in this carry-over from τέλος and τέλειον to death, the distinctive function of τέλειον shows itself to be the character of being-there in the distinctive possibility of disappearing (Verschwindens). (Met. Δ 16, 1021 b 25-29.) (GA18MT)
VIDE: Weg-sein