
Uma das palavras de mais difícil tradução. O verbo português “vigir” do latim “vigere” seria a tradução ideal. (Carneiro Leão)

Prevailing is the self-moving power bestowed by being onto entities. Through the power of this prevailing, entities are able to come to be as themselves. As the force which takes hold between being and entities, prevailing thus serves as a significant element in Heidegger’s later conception of ontological difference. While difference drives being and entities apart, Heidegger designates prevailing as the force that holds them together. Prevailing is not only a central term for Heidegger’s later ontology, emerging directly out of his engagement with Aristotelian metaphysics after Being and Time, but it also serves to link his ontology to philosophy of language, critique of technology, and political philosophy.

Prevailing translates the German verb walten, which Heidegger’s translators also often render as “to sway,” “to reign,” and “to govern.” Heidegger uses prevailing both as a noun (Walten) in its substantivized infinitive form and as a verb (walten), and often combines it with prefixes to create cognate terms such as “to prevail through” (durchwalten), “prevail over” (obwalten), “prevail around” (umwalten), “administrate” (verwalten), and “govern over” (vorwalten). He also commonly employs the active participial form das Waltende, “that which prevails.” In ordinary German Walten and its cognates are not only associated with various forms of political force and power, but can also refer to gentler forms of power such as the mood that takes hold over a room, a lover’s power of attraction, or the reign of a god. Heidegger often exploits this vast range of meanings, as well as the proximity of Walten to Gewalt, the common word for political force and violence. Nonetheless, while Heidegger will occasionally use the term in its more literal sense in discussions of politics and ethics, in its ontological usage prevailing does not designate a power over which humans can prevail. Instead, prevailing is a power that takes hold over and through humans, but also entities as a whole. (CHL)

VIDE: Walten

vigir (GA40)
perdominer, régner (GA40)

NT: VIGOR DOMINANTE=Walten: As palavras mais difíceis de traduzir são “walten” e seus derivados. Em si e em (97) geral o verbo “walten” exprime o significado de “governar”, “dispor”, “imperar”, mas com a conotação de “fôrça”, “vigor”, “domínio”. É o que aparece em seus derivados: “die Gewalt” (= a fôrça), “überwältingen” (= predominar, sobrepujar), “vergewaltigen” (= violentar). O verbo português, “vigir”, do latim, “vigiere” seria a tradução ideal. Infelizmente é desusado, corrente hoje apenas em algumas formas, como “vigente”, “vigor”, “vigência”. Por isso traduzimos “walten” e seus derivados numa perífrase, servindo-nos das formas ainda em uso. (GA40)

NT: perdominer a la signification aproximative de “s’étendre souverainement” (GA40)

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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