NT: Pre-(vor-): pre-ontological, 12-13, 15-17, 44, 65, 68, 72, 86, 130, 182-184, 196-200 (§ 42), 197 n. 6, 201, 222, 225, 289, 312, 315, 356; pre-phenomenological, 51, 59, 63, 72, 99, 219, 318; pre-philosophical, 19, 165, 219; pre-predicative, 149, 359; pre-scientific, 9, 393 [BTJS]
1. ‘…offenbart so etwas wie eine Flucht des Daseins vor ihm selbst als eigentlichem Selbst-sein-können.’ The point of this paragraph is that if we are to study the totality of Dasein, Dasein must be brought ‘before itself’ or ‘face to face with itself’ (‘vor es selbst’); and the fact that Dasein flees ‘from itself’ or ‘in the face of itself’ (‘vor ihm selbst’), which may seem at first to lead us off the track, is actually very germane to our inquiry. [BTMR]
1. We have interpolated this clause in our translation to give point to Heidegger’s remark about ‘the “before” in the “ahead” ’ (‘das “Vor” im “Vorweg” ’), which is obvious enough in German but would otherwise seem very far-fetched in English. We have of course met the expression ‘vor’ in many contexts – in ‘Vorhabe’, ‘Vorsicht, and ‘Vorgriff’ as ‘fore-structures’ of understanding (H. 150), and in such expressions as ‘that in the face of which’ (‘das “Wovor” ’) one fears or flees or has anxiety (H. 140, 184, 251, etc.). Here, however, the translation ‘before’ seems more appropriate. [BTMR:375]