

NT: Spatiality (Räumlichkeit, an existential): of Da-sein, 56, 89, 101-113 (§§ 22-24), 119-120, 132, 141, 299, 335, 367-369 (§ 70); of the “there,” 132, 299; of being-in-the-world, 79, 101, 104-110 (§ 23), 141, 299; of being-in, 54, 105-106, 186; of the world, 101 + fn, 110-112, 369; of the `world’, 112; of the surrounding world, 60, 66, 89, 112; of beings encountered in the surrounding world, 101; of things at hand, 102-104 (§ 22), 110, 112, 418; of extended things, 112-113, 368; spatialization (Verräumlichtung), 108, 112, 418 (BT)

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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