
Vereigentlichung, apropriação autêntica, authentic appropriation

“Authentic appropriation” translates Heidegger’s word Vereigentlichung. The novel term refers us back to the theme of “authenticity” in Being and Time, especially sections 25-27, on the problem of the selfhood of Dasein, and section 53, “Existential Projection of an Authentic Being toward Death.” Central to the latter is the notion of the death of Dasein as the “ownmost” or “most proper” (eigenste) possibility of existence, a possibility that Dasein must freely face and in this sense “appropriate.” Precisely at this point in Sein und Zeit (p. 264) Heidegger cites Zarathustra’s words about the danger of our becoming “too old for our victories.” In Heidegger’s subsequent view, thinking the thought of eternal recurrence is one decisive way to confront the danger and to rejuvenate the task of “authentic appropriation.” See Martin Heidegger, Sein und Zeit, 12th ed. (Tübingen: M. Niemeyer, 1972), pp. 263-64. Finally, compare “authentic appropriation” to what Heidegger in section 24, below, calls “being-a-self.” (GA6T1DFK:24)

VIDE: Vereigentlichung

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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