
στοχαστική, stokastike, arguto, sagaz, penetrante, perspicaz

Φρόνησις is by its very sense στοχαστική; it has a permanent orientation, it pursues the goal, and specifically the μεσότης. With φρόνησις, unlike τέχνη, there is no more or less, no “this as well as that,” but only the seriousness of the definite decision, success or failure, either-or. Insofar as φρόνησις is στοχαστική, it is impossible for it to be more complete. Thus it has no ἀρετή but is in itself ἀρετή. In this way, the very mode of the carrying out of ἀληθεύειν is different in the case of φρόνησις from the one of τέχνη, although both, in terms of their objects, are concerned with beings which can also be otherwise. Thereby we have gained a delimitation. Φρόνησις cannot be the ἀρετή of τέχνη — because of its very mode of carrying out ἀληθεύειν, quite apart from the fact that the object of τέχνη is a ποιητόν, whereas the object of φρόνησις is a πρακτόν. Thus it is clear that φρόνησις is an ἀρετή but is not a τέχνη. (GA19RS:38)

VIDE: stokastike

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

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