
Seinsmöglichkeiten, possibilités d’être, possibilidades-de-ser, possibilidades de ser, possibilities of being

All of human living cannot be there constantly. The possibilities (Möglichkeiten) that a human existence has at its disposal are not constantly there within the stretching of being-there (Erstreckung des Daseins); it loses itself. The possibility (Möglichkeit) deteriorates, and being-there requires ever new and constantly repeated appropriation (Aneignung). The peculiarity of that upon which it depends in repetition (Wiederholung) as a determinate practice (Übung) can be characterized by the fact that all action (Handlung), and all non-action (Nicht-Handeln), is oriented toward the μεσότης. Aristotle emphasizes, again and again, that the μέσον is hard to find and easy to miss; errors are easy. To fly off the handle is easy, but to be angry at the right moment is difficult. This requires the possibility of being able to seize the moment as a whole (Ganzes). Therefore, acting (Handeln) seldom occurs on the basis of the μεσότης and in the μεσότης (Eth. Nic. Β 9, 1109 a 26 sqq.). (GA18MT:128)

VIDE: Seinsmöglichkeiten

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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