Sein zu

Sein zu, Sein zum, Seyn zum, être pour, ser relativo, being toward

A angústia manifesta no Dasein o ser para o poder-ser (Seinkönnen) mais próprio, isto é, o ser livre para (Freisein) a liberdade (Freiheit) do-a-si-mesmo (525) se-escolher e se-possuir (Sich-selbst-wählens und -ergreifens). (SZ:188; STFC:525)

VIDE: Sein zu

être pour, être par rapport (EtreTemps)
being toward (BT)

NT: Being toward (Sein zu): the beginning, 373; the Da-sein that has-been-there, 394; death, 235-267, 301-302, 305-307, 309-310, 329, 337, 344, 348-349, 373-374, 386, 390; the end, 234fn 245, 247, 249-252, 254, 255-260, 255 df., 265, 305, 317, 329, 372-373, 424; being, 4, 121, 218, 222-225; God, 10, 190 n. 4; oneself, 124-125, 173, 177; others, 124-125, 177; possibilities, 148, 236, 261-264, 329; one’s ownmost potentialityof-Being, 188, 191-193, 195, 221, 255, 306, 325; a totality of relevance, 150; ways of comporting oneself, 211; what is brought near, 106; what is dedistanced, 106; what is heard, 155; what is indicated, 82; what is talked about, 168; the world, 57, 61-62, 106, 122, 177. See also Directing itself toward (BT)

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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