Sachlich, coisa ela mesma, objective, objetiva
This comparison of ῥητορική (rhetorike) with ἰατρική (iatrike) provides the ground for distinguishing all possible τέχναι (technai) from ῥητορική. Medicine includes a determinate knowledge of the matter, and when it is conveyed to others it is a διδασκαλική (Rhet. A 2, 1355 b28). It teaches; it imparts, within the scope of a determinate subject area, that which is given to it in advance, and from the outset, as its topic. Medicine deals with healthy and sick human beings, ἀριθμητική deals with numbers, and every knowing-one’s-way-around deals with a determinate subject area (Rhet A 2, 1355 b28 seq). Ῥητορική has no subject area that can be demarcated in any way. Because it does not, it should not be designated as τέχνη (techne). Ῥητορική is not τέχνη, though it is τεχνικóν (Rhet. a 2, 1355 b33 seq). It gives an orientation with regard to something, περὶ ἕκαστον. It goes “beyond what is simply given,” the beings that are there in the given case (Rhet. A 2, 1355 b 32). And it does not deal with this through description, by describing the matter that is given in a certain situation. It does not deal with the matters themselves, but with the concrete situation insofar as something can be extracted from it; that which speaks for something speaks for the conviction that the one discoursing wants to cultivate in others, with respect to this discourse. Thus it deals not with the matter itself, but with the circumstances regarding a definite conduciveness insofar as it can speak for something, for the πιστεύειν (pisteuein). (GA18:116; GA18MT:79-80)
«objetiva»: en alemán, «sachliche», literalmente: «propia de las cosas mismas». (Rivera; STJR:Notas)
LÉXICO: sachlich
NT: Objective, objectivity (Sachlich(keit)), 11, 15fn, 21, 27, 45, 98, 122, 265, 333, 377. See also “the Things themselves” (BT)