
offen / Offene (s): aberto / o aberto, o que-está-aberto
eröffnen: inaugurar, patentear originariamente (A)
Offenbarkeit (e): o estar-revelado
Offenheit (e): o estar-aberto (GA5BD)

NT: Open(ing) (offen, öffnen): said of Dasein, 162fn (the there), 163, 169, 265 (by being-toward-the-end), 307-308 (by resoluteness), 341, 350-351 (of clearing), 369, 386, 392-393, 396-397 (hermeneutical situation), 408, 421; being-open (listening), 163; ecstatically, 341, 386, 408; horizonally, 421; said of the horizons of this investigation, 72 (way), 115, 334, 362; doors, 67, 177. See also clearing, closing off; covering up; disclosure (BTJS)

VIDE Öffentlichkeit

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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