
Möglichsein, être-possible, being-possible, possibilidade de ser, ser-possível

As Being and Time famously maintains, “Higher than actuality stands possibility” (38). The sense of “possibility” celebrated here is not “logical possibility,” mere alternatives arrayed in a conceptual space, but rather existential possibility, “being possible” (Möglichsein), which is for Heidegger “the most primordial and ultimately positive way in which Dasein is characterized ontologically” (143-4). Our existential possibilities are what we forge ahead into: the roles, identities, and commitments that shape and circumscribe our comportmental navigation of our lived environments. Dasein exists — that is, “stands out” (ek^sisteie) into intelligibility in a meaningful way — through such a charting of “live options,” choices that matter and that are made salient to us by these fundamental life projects, this sense of self embodied and reflected in our worlds.

Heidegger distinguishes between our “being-possible” (Möglichsein) and our “ability-to-be” (Seinkönnen) in order to mark the difference. (CHL)

VIDE: Möglichsein

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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