
Machbar, Machbare, factível, Machbarkeit, factibilidade, makability, Machsamkeit, producibility

Tudo o que é factível ratifica tudo aquilo que é feito, tudo aquilo que é feito clama por factibilidade, todo agir e pensar se transpuseram para o interior da atividade de fazer o que pode ser feito. (GA6:26; GA6MAC:18)

The two keywords Machbarkeit and Machsamkeit have a proximity to each other that makes their rendition into English rather difficult. Heidegger alludes to this proximity and tries to elucidate it by using a parallelism no less difficult to bring into English. Right at the outset of section 9 of Mindfulness he writes:

Machination here means the makability of beings which produces as well as makes up everything, such that only in this makability the beingness of beings that are abandoned by be-ing (and by the grounding of its truth) determines itself. (Here makable is thought as “watchable” = watchful. And hence makability is thought in the sense of producibility). Machination means the accordance of everything with producibility, indeed in such a way that the unceasing, unconditioned reckoning of everything is pre-directed. (Mindfulness, 11–12)

Alluding to the ‘makable’ and using ‘watchable’ as a parallel, he suggests that ‘makable’ be thought of as ‘producible’. This opens the way for an additional determination of machination – additional insofar as machination is still fundamentally a manner of the swaying of being – but now machination means also the accordance of everything with ‘producibility’. In this connection the reader should bear in mind that both words, ‘makability’ and ‘producibility’, refer to that clearing which, as machination, houses the making and producing that are hallmarks of instrumentally anthropologically conceived technology that should be carefully distinguished from what Heidegger calls technicity. Accordingly, ‘makability’ and ‘producibility’ as used in this translation are not to be confused with descriptive terms that pertain to the technological, instrumental ‘making’, and ‘producing’. (GA66EK:Introduction)

VIDE: Machbar

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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