
Licht, lumière, luz, light, Lichtung, éclaircie, clairière, clareira, claridade da clareira, clearing, claridad

O discurso ôntico figurado do lumen naturale no homem não significa nada? mais do que a estrutura ontológico-existenciária desse ente, que é no modo de ser seu “aí”. Ele é “iluminado” significando: como ser-no-mundo ele é em si mesmo iluminado (1), não por receber a luz de um outro ente, mas porque ele mesmo é (2) claridade? da clareira.

VIDE: Licht

Lichte (s) / Lichtung (e): claridade / clareira
lichten / Gelichtete (s): clarear / clareado (GA5BD)
luz e claridade (GA7)
light (BTJS)

NT: Light (Licht), 28, 133, 133fn (Leuchten as “shining”), 350-351, 359, 362 (and horizon); of day and sun, 103, 412-413; “in the light of …”: 25 (problem of Temporality), 56 (existentially fundamental constitutions of Da-sein), 70 (nature’s products), 313 (formal indication of existence), 362 (mathematically projected Nature), 392-393 (historicity), 436 (idea of being in general). See also brightness; clearing; interrogative horizon; openness; sight, etc. (BTJS)

NT: imagem-de-luz (Licht-bild) (Lichtbild é, em alemão, um nome antigo para fotografia. (Casanova GA3)

For if it is clear that metaphysics thinks beings as beings, it must be equally clear that they appear as what they are only by reason of some strange light that renders them un-concealed (unverborgen) before, to and in the metaphysical gaze. Furthermore, this light as such, in rendering beings un-concealed, remains itself concealed (verborgen) within them, for it is itself not a being but merely the light by which they shine forth. (GA9) What is this light, the concealed source of non-concealment? This is the question that metaphysics has never posed. But it is a question that must be posed, and, indeed, for the sake of metaphysics itself, since it is only by reason of this light that metaphysics can go about its task. The lighting-process by which beings are illumined as beings – this is what Heidegger understands by Being.
Being (Sein) is not a being (Seiende), because it is that which enables beings to be (present) to man and men to each other. It is nearest to man, because it makes him to be what he is and enables him to enter into comportment with other beings. Yet it is farthest removed from him because it is not a being with which he, structured as he is to deal directly with only beings, can comport himself.

From the point of view of beings, Being encompasses them all, just as a domain of open-ness (Erschlossenheit) encompasses what is found within it. This domain is not, of course, “space” but rather that dimension out of which even space and time themselves come-to-presence. Being is the domain of open-ness, because it is the lighting-process by which beings are lighted-up. If these beings be “subjects” or “objects,” then the light (Lichtung) itself is neither one nor the other but “between” (Zwischen) them both, enabling the encounter to come about. It is from Being, then, that metaphysics (Metaphysik) derives all its vigor as from its proper element. (RHPT:5-6)

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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