Klang, som, Anklang, assonance, Widerklang, ressonância, eco, resonancia, echo, resonance, Einklang, inner harmony, Vorklang, prelude
Klang, der
GA1 13, 305; GA4 58, 107, 153, 197; GA5 32, 317, 341; GA6T1 120, 130, 240; GA7 221; GA8 39; GA10 90, 99, 164, 183; GA13 97, 114, 115, 163, 241; GA16 235, 291, 305, 352, 517, 644, 725; GA17 217; GA19 461; GA23 129; GA25 96; GA32 16; GA39 23, 124, 201, 240; GA40 43, 155; GA42 102; GA43 139, 151, 159; GA44 19; GA45 21; GA51 x; GA52 28, 79, 153; GA53 146, 189; GA54 28, 227; GA55 245; GA65 112; GA66 246, 310; GA74 62, 63, 110, 119, 138; GA75 68, 88, 102, 111, 148, 160, 170, 172, 193, 222, 289; GA77 6, 227, 232, 237; GA78 88, 128, 129; GA79 150; GA81 75, 119, 128, 170, 192, 240, 257, 268, 292-294; GA85 90, 109, 110, 138; GA88 322; GA89 334; GA90 330. (HC)
But what is useless can nevertheless be a power—a power in the rightful sense. That which has no direct resonance (Widerklang) in everydayness can stand in innermost harmony (Einklang) with the authentic happening in the history of a people. It can even be its prelude (Vorklang). What is untimely will have its own times. This holds for philosophy. Therefore we cannot determine what the task of philosophy in itself and in general is, and what must accordingly be demanded of philosophy. Every stage and every inception of its unfolding carries within it its own law. One can only say what philosophy cannot be and what it cannot achieve. (IMGFRP:9-10)
A ressonância do seer (Anklang des Seyns) quer resgatar o seer em sua plena essenciação (vollen Wesung) como acontecimento apropriador (Ereignis) por meio do desentranhamento do abandono do ser (Enthüllung der Seinsverlassenheit), o que só acontece de tal modo que o ente é recolocado por meio da fundação do ser-aí no seer que se abre no salto (Sprung). (GA65:§55; GA65MAC)
VIDE: Klang