
Handeln, Handlung, Aktion, action, ação, acção, acción, agir

action (BTJS)
action (ETEM)

NT: Action, taking action (Handeln, handeln), 69, 174, 176, 288, also Entanglement; Tranquillization; 294-295, 300, 302, 310, 319, 326; “verbal” kinds of action (Aktionsarten, grammatical), 349. See also Practical; Praxis; Resolution; Situation (BTJS)

O estágio mais elevado do vivente é o homem; a espécie fundamental de seu automovimento é o agir: πραξις. Assim, surge a pergunta: qual é o fundamento determinante, a αρχή, do agir, isto é, do procedimento e da implantação refletidos? O determinante, nesse caso, é a aspiração representacional como tal, ou o aspirado? A aspiração representacional é determinada por meio da representação, ou por meio do desejo? (GA6T1PT:52)

That “action,” (Handeln) πραξις, concern (Besorgen) is in itself the concern of the being-there (Dasein) which is concerned. In being involved (Sichumtun) in the world, in dealing (Umgehen) with it, in occupying oneself (Sich abgeben) with other human beings (Menschen), being-there itself, which is involved in this way, is concerned with itself, with its being (Sein). Being-there as concern is care (Sorge) about itself, for the most part inexplicitly. This basic phenomenon is hidden in the concept of ἕξις – ἕξις as the having of something (Haben von etwas), the mode of being in having (Haben Weise des Seins), the mode of being-positioned in relation to what is had (Gestelltseins zum Ge-habten). (GA18:180; GA18MT:121)

For this πρᾶξις, it depends on how the one acting (wie der Handelnde), as such, behaves toward himself (sich selbst verhält). It depends on ἕξις, being-composed (Gefaßtsein) and this πῶς ἔχων of the πράττων, (Eth. Nic. Β 3, 1105 a 30 sq.) the “how” of the “one acting” (das »Wie« des »Handelnden«) is defined in accordance with three aspects:

1. εἰδώς (Eth. Nic. Β 3, 1105 a 31.) – φρóνησις: he must be “knowing,” (wissend) must act in the right “condition of looking around,” (Umsichtigkeit) which is oriented toward the καιρóς with respect to the subject matter.

2. προαιρούμενος, (Eth. Nic. Β 3, 1105 a 31 sq.) he must act from out of himself “on the basis of an actual being-resolved to . . .” (aus einem wirklichen Entschlossensein zu …)

3. Acting in such a way that he is thereby βεβαίως καὶ ἀμετακινήτως ἔχων, (Eth. Nic. Β 3, 1105 a 33.) “stable and not to be brought out of composure (Fassung).” This recalls the determination (Bestimmung) of πάθος as δι’ ὅσα μεταβάλλοντες; (Rhet. Β 1, 1378 a 20 sq.) we are brought out of one frame of mind (Fassung) into another. What is characteristic is not the resulting condition, the having-come-into-another-frame-of-mind (In-eine-andere-Fassung-Gekommensein), but rather the having-lost-composure (Aus-der-Fassung-Sein), being on the way (Unterwegssein) from one state (Zustand) to another, the peculiar unrest (Unruhe) that is given with πάθος itself in relation to φóβος characterized as ταραχή (Rhet. Β 4, 1382 a 21.), “tumult,” (Verwirrung) “getting mixed up.” (Durcheinandergeraten) (GA18MT:123=124)

O que se tem em vista com o termo “agir” não é aqui meramente a atividade prática, nem tampouco o agir ético, mas muito mais o todo das relações do homem com o ente e consigo mesmo. (GA6T1PT:211)

(seriousness of action) takes hold of reality directly in order to transform it. (GA4:35)

Todo agir (Handeln) e todo desempenho (Leisten) só vigem como tais na medida em que e até o ponto em que servem à dotação (Rüstung), à seleção (Züchtung) e à elevação (Steigerung) da vontade de poder (Willens zur Macht). (GA6T2PT:28)

Nenhuma mera ação (Aktion) poderá transformar a situação do mundo (Weltzustand) porque, enquanto operatividade (Wirksamkeit) e operância (Wirken), o ser (Sein) veda o acesso de todos os entes (Seiende) ao acontecimento (Ereignis) do que lhes é próprio. Nem mesmo o sofrimento (Leid) que se abate sobre a terra (Erde) pode provocar uma transformação imediata. É que o sofrimento só consegue ser experimentado passivamente, ou seja, como o que se opõe à ação, e assim com ela integrando o mesmo âmbito essencial da vontade de querer (Willens zum Willen). (GA7PT:85-86)

VIDE: Handeln

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

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