
halten, manter, tenir, to keep

Manter (Halten) significa propriamente custodiar (hüten), apascentar nos campos de pastoreio (auf dem Weideland weiden lassen). O que nos mantém na essência (Wesen), porém, apenas nos mantém enquanto nós mesmos, a partir de nós, mantemos aquilo que mantém (Haltende be-halten). Nós o mantemos (be-halten), se não permitimos que fuja da memória (Gedächtnis). (GA8:5; GA8PRS)

VIDE: halten

an sich halten: conter, reter em si
Aufenthalt (r): estância
Verhalten (s): comportamento, relacionamento
Verhaltenheit (e): contenção, reserva
Verhältnis (s): relação (cf. Beziehung, Relation) (GA5BD)

1. ‘anhaltendste’. This is the first of several compounds of the verb ‘halten’ (‘to hold’) which appear in this and the following paragraphs. Others are ‘behalten’ (‘retain’ in the sense of holding in one’s memory), ‘aufhalten’ (‘hold up’ in the sense of delaying or bringing to a halt), ‘festhalten’ (‘hold fast’). (BTMR:406)

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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