Grundmomente des Daseins

From insight into the connection between hexis and arete, four basic aspects of being-there (Grundmomente des Daseins) result:

1. That “action,” (Handeln) praxis, concern is in itself the concern (Besorgen) of the being-there (Dasein) which is concerned. In being involved in the world (Sichumtun in der Welt), in dealing (Umgehen) with it, in occupying oneself (Sichabgeben) with other human beings, being-there itself, which is involved in this way, is concerned with itself, with its being. Being-there as concern is care (Sorge) about itself, for the most part inexplicitly. This basic phenomenon is hidden in the concept of hexis – hexis as the having of something, the mode of being in having (Haben Weise des Seins), the mode of being-positioned in relation to what is had (Gestelltseins zum Gehabten).

2. In hexis, being-there will show itself more precisely in its particularity (Jeweiligkeit). The being of human beings, human being as being-there is particular (jeweilige), at the moment (Augenblick): hexis is a being-composed (Gefasstsein) of being-there, oriented toward the moment.

3. This being-composed, this being-oriented toward the moment, is the sort of possibility that has seized being-there itself on the basis of its particular situation. In an average way and for the most part, being-there stays within the degrees of “more or less,” too much and too little.

4. On the basis of this three-fold basic structure, it is also evident, at the same time, that hexis is a basic determination of being-there itself, that the genesis of this hexis, the manner and mode in which being-there itself comes to a being-composed in relation to itself, can have the opportunity and the type of its cultivation only, again, in being-there itself. Being-there must, for itself, take the opportunity to cultivate this being-composed as a possibility (Möglichkeit). (GA18:180; GA18MT:121-122)