Grundmomente des Daseins

From insight into the connection between hexis and arete, four basic aspects of being-there (Grundmomente des Daseins) result:

1. That “action,” (Handeln) praxis, concern is in itself the concern (Besorgen) of the being-there (Dasein) which is concerned. In being involved in the world (Sichumtun in der Welt), in dealing (Umgehen) with it, in occupying oneself (Sichabgeben) with other human beings, being-there itself, which is involved in this way, is concerned with itself, with its being. Being-there as concern is care (Sorge) about itself, for the most part inexplicitly. This basic phenomenon is hidden in the concept of hexishexis as the having of something, the mode of being in having (Haben Weise des Seins), the mode of being-positioned in relation to what is had (Gestelltseins zum Gehabten).

2. In hexis, being-there will show itself more precisely in its particularity (Jeweiligkeit). The being of human beings, human being as being-there is particular (jeweilige), at the moment (Augenblick): hexis is a being-composed (Gefasstsein) of being-there, oriented toward the moment.

3. This being-composed, this being-oriented toward the moment, is the sort of possibility that has seized being-there itself on the basis of its particular situation. In an average way and for the most part, being-there stays within the degrees of “more or less,” too much and too little.

4. On the basis of this three-fold basic structure, it is also evident, at the same time, that hexis is a basic determination of being-there itself, that the genesis of this hexis, the manner and mode in which being-there itself comes to a being-composed in relation to itself, can have the opportunity and the type of its cultivation only, again, in being-there itself. Being-there must, for itself, take the opportunity to cultivate this being-composed as a possibility (Möglichkeit). (GA18:180; GA18MT:121-122)

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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