
le fait d’être disposé (ETEM)
attunement (BTJS)

NT: Attunement (Gestimmtheit, Gestimmtsein), 135, 142, 340; being in a mood, 134; moodedness, 137, 252; attunedness, 138; being attuned, 148, 169, 277, 335. See also Mood (BTJS)

Gestimmtsein (das): «estar afectivamente dispuesto». Gestimmtsein es el equivalente óntico de la disposición afectiva (Befindlichkeit) e indica el estado de animo concreto que acompaña inmediata y regularmente al Dasein en su trato con el mundo. Véase también la entrada Stimmung (die). (SZ, pp. 134-136.) (LHDF)

3. ‘…die Stimmung, das Gestimmtsein.’ The noun ‘Stimmung’ originally means the tuning of a musical instrument, but it has taken on several other meanings and is the usual word for one’s mood or humour. We shall usually translate it as ‘mood’, and we shall generally translate both ‘Gestimmtsein’ and ‘Gestimmtheit’ as ‘having a mood’, though sometimes, as in the present sentence, we prefer to call attention to the root metaphor of ‘Gestimmtsein’ by writing ‘Being-attuned’, etc. (BTMR)

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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