
Gesetz, lei, loi, law, leye, leis, lois, laws, leyes

This determination (Bestimmung), that ultimately the being of being-there (Dasein) is that which constitutes per se being-there in its there, is echoed in the Kantian definition of the human being: the rational essence (vernünftige Wesen) exists as an end (Zweck) in itself. This definition is, at the same time, the ontological condition of the possibility of the categorical imperative. Insofar as the rational essence is something that is open to law (Gesetz) in the basic determination of respect (Achtung), and at the same time is in such a way that its being is by itself oriented toward the end to a certain extent, and so has no further why, this law is in itself the ultimate; the ought (Sollen) is categorical, not hypothetical. For the being of human beings, there is no if (Wenn), but rather an ultimate then (letztes So). Since the idea of law (Gesetzesidee) comes into play, the foundation and opening up of this context has a different look. The idea of law is oriented toward the lawfulness of nature (Gesetzlichkeit der Natur), by which law is yet further apprehended. However, nature is, here, the manner of being-there (Weise des Daseins), and thus in the sense of φύσις (Aristotle). It is remarkable to observe that Kant apprehends the concept of the law of nature in the further, almost Aristotelian, sense. “Act in such a way that the maxim of your action could be a universal law of nature.” (Handle so, daß die Maxime deines Handelns allgemeines Naturgesetz sein könnte) (Cf. I. Kant, Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten, in Immanuel Kant’s Werke, edited by E. Cassirer, Volume IV, Berlin 1913. p. 279) The maxim is not supposed to be a law of nature as explicit law, but rather as a mode of being-there per se (Weise des Daseins schlechthin). (GA18MT:65-66)

VIDE: Gesetz


NT: Law (Gesetz), 10 (of motion), 47, 226-227 (Newton’s), 282-283 (moral), 293, 361 (of gravity), 395 (of history); breaking the, 282-283. See also Truth (BT)

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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