
Genus (Gattung), 3, 14, 37fn, 38, 42, 77, 128, 433 (Hegel); generic, 399, 403; being is not a, 3, 14, 38; Dasein is not a, 42, 128; relation, as formal, is not a, 77. (BT)

Genus est unum, quod de pluribus specie differentibus in eo quod quid est praedicatur. “Curved, closed line” – the genus of the circle – is predicated of many things that are distinct in species (ellipse). Still, the predicate (Aussage) captures what the circle in itself is. (GA18:16)

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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