
Geheimnis, mistério, mystère, mystery

Mystery is the general and constitutive concealment that prevails over being and all that is. One of the central points of Heidegger’s entire phenomenological approach is that something is unconcealed only against the background of this general concealment. Consequently, the mystery concerns essential aspects of Heidegger’s philosophy such as language and truth and is particularly connected to the concept of being (Sein).

First of all, for Heidegger a mystery is not something that is not, or not yet properly, known. He explicitly says that the mystery is not something that cannot be explained adequately in a scientific manner (GA54:92-93). The openness of the mystery is not its explanation but on the contrary the acceptance of a general concealment (GA54:93). The structure of this concealment can be elucidated with Heidegger’s main point that every disclosure or unconcealment (Entbergung) can only be understood against the background of a concealment (Verbergung). This also is the core of Heidegger’s concept of truth as aletheia. The structure of unconcealment through concealment is explicitly connected with the mystery (GA7:26/QCT 25; GA67:233), which in turn is specified as the essence of truth (Wesen der Wahrheit, GA9:196/150) or even as the highest mode of truth (höchste Gestalt der Wahrheit, GA39:119). In a metaphorical way, Heidegger illustrates the structure of unconcealment through concealment with the expression that the darkness (das Dunkle) is the mystery of the light (des Lichten, GA11:13 8/BFL 88; GA79:93). Another metaphor for this structure is the simultaneous nearness and distance ofthe mystery (GA12:223/OWL 154), which is combined again with a metaphor of light: The supposed distance of the mystery turns out to be an incomprehensible nearness and is spelled out as the clearing (Lichtung, GA7:287-88/EGT 121-22). (CHL)

VIDE: Geheimnis

Geheimnis (segredo): A composição do termo segredo em alemão dá-se a partir do substantivo “Heim” que pode ser traduzido sem maiores problemas para o português por “lar”, “casa”, “pátria”. Geheim significa basicamente pertencente ao lar, à casa ou à pátria. O segredo mostra-se assim como algo que se resguarda no coração do próprio e se confunde com o lugar de sua morada. (Casanova; GA67MAC:189)

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

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