
Gefaßtsein, being-composed

3. This being-composed (Gefaßtsein), this being-oriented toward the moment (Augenblick), is the sort of possibility (Möglichkeit) that has seized being-there (Dasein) itself on the basis of its particular situation (aus seiner jeweiligen Lage). In an average way and for the most part, being-there stays within the degrees of “more or less,” too much and too little.

4. On the basis of this three-fold basic structure, it is also evident, at the same time, that ἕξις is a basic determination of being-there (Grundbestimmung des Daseins) itself, that the γένεσις of this ἕξις, the manner and mode in which being-there itself comes to a being-composed in relation to itself, can have the opportunity (Gelegenheit) and the type of its cultivation (Ausbildung) only, again, in being-there itself. Being-there must, for itself, take the opportunity to cultivate this being-composed as a possibility. (GA18MT:122)

VIDE: Gefaßtsein

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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