Einzeltkeit, singularité, singularidade, singularity, individuality, singularidad, καθ’ ἕκάστον
(…) what Aristotle says can even be understood positively: (…) This task is the same as in the case of action: “Just as in action it is important to proceed from what is in the individual case good for someone and pass through this good to the ὅλως ἀγαθόν, in such a way that in bringing about the ὅλως ἀγαθόν at the same time the ἕκάστον ἀγαθόν is carried out, likewise in the case of knowledge, one must proceed from what is immediately most familiar for a single individual and pass through this to the τῇ φύσει or δλως γνώριμον, in order to go back in turn from that to the αύτφ γνώριμον in such a way that the latter will become transparent from the former.” (Met. VII, 3,1029b5ff.) Hence it is necessary to press on, from what is in a single case initially most familiar, to the ἀρχή and to appropriate the ἀρχή in such a way that from this appropriation there takes place a genuine appropriation of the καθ’ ἕκάστον and so that the transparency of the procedure itself is gained and the καθ’ ἕκάστον is understood on the basis of the ἀρχή. (GA19RS:62)