
dann, damals, l’alors, o então, the then, Sobald das – dann das, Sobald – dann, as soon as – then, logo que – então, Datum, datados, datieren, datar, datación

dann : alors (futur), mais damals : alors (passé). (Martineau)

Ahora bien, todo «luego» en cuanto tal, es un «luego cuando…»; todo «entonces», un «entonces (en aquel tiempo) cuando.»; todo «ahora», un «ahora que». A esta estructura relacional, aparentemente obvia, del «ahora», «entonces» y «luego», la llamamos la databilidad. Al llamarla así es necesario prescindir, por ahora, enteramente de si la datación se realiza de facto en relación a una «fecha» del calendario. Aun sin este tipo de «fechas», el «ahora», el «luego» y el «entonces» quedan más o menos determinadamente fechados («datados1»). Cuando la datación no se determina, esto no quiere decir que falte la estructura de la databilidad o que quede abandonada al azar. (SZ:407; STJR:420)

What is essential in ἐμπειρία is the retaining present of a determined connection of occurrences in a single affair. Aristotle later (981a7ff) introduces an example of ἐμπειρία from medicine, which we may take up now. If everyday experience devises a determinate remedy for a poor state of health, for a particular bodily state of man, then these remedies are at first (50) (GA19:72-73) unaccompanied by any real insight into the effective connection of the remedy with that which it is supposed to cure. What is understood is only that there is some connection or other, which we must designate as a connection of the presence of determinate occurrences. Schematically, this connection can be formulated in the following way: as soon as such and such a state sets in, then such and such a remedy must be applied; as soon as this, then that. There is no insight into what the state is, what the remedy is, or how the condition is cured; it is simply a matter of relieving the ailment. You see without further ado that this connection is a temporal one, and indeed at first a purely temporal one: as soon as … , then …. It is a matter here of a peculiar connection in the temporal Being of Dasein. Dasein’s making present, which is expressed in the “now,” appears here as the “as soon as:” as soon as … , then …. (GA19RS:49-50)

VIDE: dann

alors (futur) (EtreTemps)
then (BT)

NT: dann : alors (futur), mais damals : alors (passé). (EtreTemps)

NT: “Then,” the (das dann), 406-414, 421-422, 427 (BT)

  1. NT: «fechados (»datados«)». En alemán, «fecha» se dice Datum y fechar es datieren; no hay, pues, en alemán dos raíces diferentes, una para hablar de la datación o el datar, y otra para decir la fecha precisa. ↩

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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