
The surrounding world is present (anwesend) not as a thing-like object (Dingobjekt) but as significance (Bedeutsamkeit). Concerned taking-one’s-bearings (Sichversehen) is guided by significations. Circumspection at once surveys the situation (Lage), because ‘initially’, rather than groping blindly for the nearest object, it looks ahead to the circumstances. Being circumspective, it looks for suitable materials, the proper place, and the opportune moment. To search for something means to be after something (Aus-sein auf etwas) that is missing – that is no longer available – or that has so far never been available and is to be brought into presence (Anwesendsein). This searching expresses and articulates itself by way of posing questions. Concern is also engaged in rendering things present when it inquiringly develops (nachfragenden Ausarbeitung) its particular circumspection. (GA64)

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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