

“Ansehen” in German means the “look” or “appearance” of an object, but it also means the “respect” or “regard” in which it is held. Like the English “regard” it means at once the way in which a thing looks from a certain point of view (“in this regard”), and also the esteem with which it is held (“in high regard”). Now for the Greek a thing stands in the highest regard, not because man has conferred a value upon it, as in modern theory, but rather because it stands forth of itself: The thing which stands in the highest regard (im böchsten Ansehen) brings this view (Ansicht) from out of itself. This look rests on its own visage (Ansehen). (Der Satz vom Grund, 34) (CaputoMEHT)

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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