
Abhebung: dissociation, discernement, contraste, fait de détacher, de discerner, de distinguer; abheben, sobresalir, distinguir, destacar.

(…) No doubt Heidegger’s appeal to an Abhebung in Aristotle’s way of approaching a philosophy of the movement of being is in contrast to Hegel’s dialectical movement or Aufhebung. The being-together and being-as-a-whole of beings does not imply a notion of a totality of beings. Likewise, Heidegger’s claim that the Greeks knew nothing of modern subjectivity no doubt is an implicit critique of Hegel’s philosophy of spirit. But, then, what is the role of the one who makes this Entscheidung, this decision. For this, we turn to an analysis of techne. (Walter Brogan)

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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