GA65:I – transformar animal racional em ser-aí


O que está em questão não é mais tratar “de” algo e apresentar algo objetivo, mas ser apropriado pelo acontecimento apropriador, o que equivale a uma transformação essencial do homem de “animal racional” (animal rationale) em ser-aí. [GA65PT:I]


Il ne s’agit plus de disputer «au sujet» de quelque chose ni d’exposer quelque objectivité que ce soit, mais au contraire d’être entièrement dédié à l’avenance, ce qui équivaut à une métamorphose de la pleine essence de l’homme – qui cesse dès lors d’être « animal raisonnable » (animal rationale) pour être le là. [GA65FR:I]

Emad & Maly

It is no longer a case of talking “about” something and representing something objective, but rather of being owned over into enowning. This amounts to an essential transformation of the human from “rational animal” (animal rationale) to Da-sein. [GA65EN1:I]

Rojcewicz & Vallega-Neu

The issue is no longer to be “about” something, to present something objective, but to be ap-propriated over to the appropriating event. That is equivalent to an essential transformation of the human being: from “rational animal” (animal rationale) to Da-sein. [GA65EN2:I]


Nicht mehr handelt es sich darum, »über« etwas zu handeln und ein Gegenständliches darzustellen, sondern dem Er-eignis übereignet zu werden, was einem Wesenswandel des Menschen aus dem »vernünftigen Tier« (animal rationale) in das Da-sein gleichkommt. [GA65:p.4]