Mas se o seer se essencia como a recusa e se essa recusa mesma deve vigorar em sua clareira e ser conservada como recusa, então a prontidão para a recusa só pode subsistir como abdicação. A abdicação não é aqui, contudo, o mero não querer ter e o deixar de lado, mas ela acontece como a forma mais elevada da posse, cuja elevação encontra a decisão na franqueza do entusiasmo pela doação do insondável pelo pensar, isto é, pela doação da recusa. [GA65PT:26]
Si toutefois l’estre déploie son être en opposant un refus, et si ce dernier doit lui-même faire saillie du dehors en sa propre allégie, et y être conservé comme refus, alors être prêt à ce refus ne peut consister qu’en un renoncement. Renoncer, ici, ne saurait pourtant être simplement: ne pas vouloir avoir…, et laisser de côté; tout au contraire le renoncement a lieu comme figure la plus haute de posséder, dont l’altitude, dans la loyale franchise de l’enthousiasme à l’égard de ce qu’a d’incompensable le présent que fait ce refus, trouve de quoi faire face à ce refus dans la fermeté de la résolution. [GA65FR:38-39]
But if be-ing holds sway as not-granting, and if this not-granting itself should come forth into its clearing and be preserved as not-granting, then the preparedness for the not-granting can consist only in renunciation. However, here renunciation is not the mere “not-wanting-to have” or “leaving-on-the-side” but rather takes place as the highest form of possession whose highness gets decided (Entschiedenheit findet) in the carefree openness for the zeal for the gifting of the not-granting, a gifting that cannot be thought exhaustively. [GA65EM:17]
Yet if beyng essentially occurs as refusal, and if this latter itself should protrude into its clearing and be preserved as refusal, then the preparedness for the refusal can consist only in renunciation. Here, however, renunciation is hardly a mere matter of not wanting to have something or leaving something aside; instead, it takes place as the highest form of possession, whose height obtains its decisiveness in the frankness of the enthusiasm for the inconceivable donation of the refusal. (GA65RV)
West aber das Seyn als die Verweigerung und soll diese selbst in ihre Lichtung hereinragen und als Verweigerung bewahrt werden, dann kann die Bereitschaft für die Verweigerung nur als Verzicht bestehen. Der Verzicht ist hier jedoch nicht das bloße Nichthabenwollen und Auf-der-Seite-lassen, sondern geschieht als die höchste Form des Besitzes, dessen Hoheit im Freimut der Begeisterung für die unausdenkbare Schenkung der Verweigerung die Entschiedenheit findet. [GA65:22-23]