O seer é o acontecimento apropriador contestador, que reúne originariamente o que é por ele apropriado em meio ao acontecimento (o ser-aí do homem) e o que é por ele recusado (o deus) no abismo daquele entre, em cuja clareira mundo e terra contestam um ao outro o pertencimento de sua essência ao campo de jogo temporal, no qual chega à preservação aquele verdadeiro que se encontra em tal preservação como o “ente”. [GA65PT:469]
L’estre est la venance menant à soi en un litige, qui originalement rassemble aussi bien ce qu’elle a fait venir à soi (chez l’homme : être le là) que ce à quoi elle a opposé un refus (le Dieu) dans le hors-fond de l’entre-deux qui les sépare – entre-deux dans l’allégie duquel monde et terre entrent en litige quant à l’appartenance de leur pleine essence à l’espace-de-jeu-du-temps au sein duquel le vrai vient pour être pris en bonne garde – vrai qui, dans une telle prise en garde, finit par se trouver être enfin l’« étant », dans la simplicité de sa pleine essence en l’estre (en l’avenance). [GA65FR:551]
Emad & Maly
Be-ing is the enstrifing enownment which originarily gathers its enowned (Da-sein of man) and its refused (god) into the abground of its “between” (Zwischen), in whose clearing world and earth enstrife the belongingness of what is their ownmost to the free-play of time-space, in which what is true comes to be preserved – what as “a being” in such preserving finds itself in be-ing (in enowning) for the simpleness of its ownmost.
To say be-ing in this way does not mean to manufacture a conceptual determination but rather to prepare an attuning for the leap, from out of and in which be-ing itself as projecting-open is ensprung for the knowing awareness, which only from this truth of be-ing also receives allotted to it what is its ownmost. [GA65EM:342]
Rojcewicz & Vallega-Neu
Beyng is the conflictual appropriation which originarily gathers that which is appropriated in it (the Da-sein of the human being) and that which is refused in it (god) into the abyss of its “between.” In the clearing of the “between,” world and earth contest the belonging of their essence to the field of time-space wherein what is true comes to be preserved. What is true, as a “being,” finds itself brought in such preservation to the simplicity of its essence in beyng (in the event). (GA65RV)
Das Seyn ist die erstreitende Ereignung, die ihr Ereignetes (das Da-sein des Menschen) und ihr Verweigertes (den Gott) ursprünglich versammelt in den Abgrund ihres Zwischen, in dessen Lichtung Welt und Erde sich die Zugehörigkeit ihres Wesens erstreiten zum Zeit-Spiel-Raum, in dem zur Verwahrung kommt das Wahre, was in solcher Verwahrung als das »Seiende« zur Einfachheit seines Wesens im Seyn (dem Ereignis) sich findet. [GA65:485]