GA35:194 – apreensão (Vernehmung)

Where light (Licht) and that which is light occur, there also that which is light and illuminated can be apprehended and likewise also warmth and brightness, sound and voice. Where light and that which is light are absent, as in a dead body (toten Leib), there not nothing but, instead, the dark (Dunkle) and dense (Dichte), the closed (Verschlossene), the mute (Stumme). Accordingly—the dead (Tote) apprehend cold (Kalte), the dead hear silence (Schweigen). Even the dead, those who are no longer alive, apprehend (vernimmt). From this, but a small step to say that precisely everything dense and fixed and dark, all matter, has apprehension of some sort; an apprehension happens there. Theophrastus also reports this, by saying in connection with the cited statement: καὶ ὅλως δὲ πᾶν τὸ ὂν ἔχειν τινὰ γνῶσιν, Parmenides even teaches that all beings whatsoever in some way have something like apprehension (Vernehmung).

Excertos de

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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