Therefore, in the manner of appearance (Erscheinen), this (what was presented in the appearance of the world) originated, and now still remains, and afterwards, henceforth nourished, will come to its end. Humans have thereby established the names (Namen) (discussion), in this way granting to each thing that by which it shows itself. (Parmenides Frag 19)
Again, ὀνομάζειν in necessary connection to appearance, characteristically words (Wort) and speech (Rede). ἐπίσημον, not σήματα, not what of Being or of appearance immediately and originally shows itself, but conversely what, on the basis of an individual respect—according to circumstances—ἐπί, is posited in addition and as it were is fitted with a mask, behind which it is concealed and through which it nevertheless at the same time can be distinguished and recognized.