GA20:325 – Dasein não é um modo de ser…


(…) this entity which we call Dasein has its what-determination in its ‘to-be.’ It is not any specific “what” which in addition would have its mode of being; rather, what the Dasein is is precisely its being. This indicates that we cannot undercut this expression ‘the entity which has the mode of being of Dasein’ with something that reverses the entire line of questioning. When we say, actually wrongly, ‘the entity which has the mode of being of Dasein,’ we cannot mean that this entity is something like a thing on hand in the world, which is first specifiable of itself purely in its “what” and which on the basis of this what-content now also has a specific mode of being just like a thing, chair, table, or the like. Because the expression ‘the entity of the character of Dasein’ always suggests something in the order of the substantiality of a thing, it is basically inappropriate.



Excertos de

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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