GA19 – agir – praxis

Rojcewicz & Schuwer

For πρᾶξις is oriented precisely toward the for the sake of which. [GA19RS:84]

(…) πρᾶξις is to be understood as a mode of being with others (…) [GA19RS:96]

(…) in the case of πρᾶξις the λόγος belongs intrinsically to the action (…) [GA19RS:104]

Whereas the beings of πρᾶξις can be different in each case and require a decision at every new moment, the pure considering of what is everlasting perseveres, as it were, in an enduring now. [GA19RS:120]

(…) the possibilities of Being with regard to πρᾶξις are dependent on being with others (…) [GA19RS:121]

(…) πράγματα, that with which one has to deal, that which is there for πρᾶξις. [GA19RS:187]

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Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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