Still another set of terms is formed simply around the preposition auf which occurs with a number of the other terms discussed above and below. In some of Heidegger’s uses of it, it has all three of its possible directional and horizonal meanings: (1) “toward,” (2) “on the basis of” (“starting from”), and (3) “with a view to.” In these cases, it is used to describe the following three directional and horizonal dimensions of interpretation: (1) our initial historically influenced and interpretive “position of looking” which already looks to, toward, or with respect to the being of the object from a definite “point of view” and thus “has” the object “in advance” “as something” in a certain “forehaving” of it; (2) our interpretive “explicating” or “laying out” (Auslegen) of the being of the object on the basis of this “anticipatory” forehaving and “horizon” insofar as it is a “motivating” and “indicative” “starting point” for a “tendency of looking’ or “path of looking” which needs to be “actualized” (vollzogen); and (3) our pursuing this interpretive explication contextually, indicatively, and teleologically with a view (back) to (im Absehen auf) the underlying context of the being of the object which was initially looked to in (1), so that it can be more fully interpreted within the open-ended “temporalizing” and “being-on-the-way” of interpretation. For the terms “position of looking” (Blickstand, Blickstellung) and “point of view” (Hinsicht), see endnote 29 and Translator’s Epilogue. For the German terms being translated by other English terms in quotation marks above, see the Glossary.
When auf and the adverbs daraufhin and daraufzu have all three of the above meanings, as they often do when used in conjunction with befragen (“to interrogate”) and auslegen (“to interpret”), I have used “with respect to, on the basis of, and with a view to” for them. In other cases where auf occurs as a technical term, I use either “with respect to,” “on the basis of,” “toward,” “in the direction of,” “to,” “at,” or some combination of these. For example, aussein auf is rendered as “to be out for and going toward.” “With respect to’ has been reserved for auf since it comes closest to expressing the threefold meaning of this German term. When auf in the sense of “on the basis of” is used in conjunction with auslegen (“to interpret (on the basis of)”), the reader should keep in mind the literal directional meaning of auslegen as “laying out.” Accordingly, Heidegger employs Explizieren (“explicating”), Explikation (“explication”), and Ausbildung (“development,” “working out”) as virtual synonyms of Auslegung (“interpretation”). “Interpreting,” “interpretation,” “being-interpreted” (“having-been-interpreted”), and “to interpret” have been used respectively for Auslegen, Auslegung, Ausgelegtheit, and auslegen, though in a few cases auslegen is rendered as “to explicate interpretively.”