
Selbigkeit, mêmeté, mesmidade, sameness

Mas o ser-si-mesmo (Selbigkeit) do existente “si-mesmo” próprio é então separado ontologicamente por um abismo da identidade do eu que se mantém na multiplicidade-de-vivência. (SZ:130; STFC:373)

VIDE: Selbigkeit

identidade (QCOISA)
identité (ETEM)
selfsameness (BTJS)

NT: Selfsameness (Selbigkeit), 114, 130, 188, 218, 320, 322, 373, 423, 435; of the self, 114, 130, 320, 373. See also Constancy; Presence, constant; Self; Substantiality (BTJS)

NT: ne pas confondre Selbstheit (ETEM)

2. ‘…als Selbiges in der vielfältigen Andersheit…’ While the words ‘identisch’ and ‘selbig’ are virtually synonyms in ordinary German, Heidegger seems to be intimating a distinction between them. We shall accordingly translate the former by ‘identical’ and the latter by ‘selfsame’ to show its etymological connection with ‘selbst’. Cf. H. 130 below. (BTMR)

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

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