“Injurious neglect” translates Verwahrlosung. Doubtless we should hear in Verwahrlosung — a noun built on the verb verwahren (to keep, guard, secure, protect) with the negating prefix los- — connotations that go beyond its ordinary meaning of neglect and injury caused by neglect, and that accord with those of manifesting that Heidegger finds resident in the stem wahr (cf. p. 42, n. 9). In this and in the following sentence in the text, the reader should be reminded of the character of Enframing as that “setting-upon that challenges forth” which sets everything in place as supply, which orders everything as standing-reserve and hence keeps nothing safe, i.e., leaves nothing free to be as it genuinely is. (QCT p. 45)

Excertos de

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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