
Intersubjektivität, intersubjetividade, intersubjetividad, intersubjectivity

Para Heidegger la intersubjetividad se da a nivel estructural. En caso contrario, si el hombre fuese estructuralmente aislado no habría lenguaje capaz de romper este aislamiento. Si la incomunicación fuera constitutiva, superarla supondría ponerse por encima del modo de ser del sujeto o contradecir su estructura —operación, además de artificial, ilusoria—. Sin embargo, el carácter inmediatamente dado de la comunicación no implica que ésta sea, por así decirlo, “positiva”. Al contrario, según Heidegger, en la vida cotidiana la relación con los otros tiende a ser inauténtica. De aquí que, a pesar de la previa comunicación, más bien funcional, que sostiene, considere irrebasable la soledad humana. (Tatiana Aguilar-Álvarez Bay)

Diz-se “dialógica” a gênese “intersubjectiva” de um processo pensante e, portanto, também das possíveis conclusões assim alcançadas. Alude-se desse modo a que tal processo não é, na sua origem, algo gerado unilateral e solipsistamente por um ou por outro(s) sujeito(s), mas sim o que surge de e “entre” ambos, de e “entre” todos os que inter-vêm no estar e dizer comuns, e desse modo con-figuram historicamente um comum destino pensante. A reivindicação primariamente “idealista” (Fichte, Schleiermacher, inclusive Jacobi; mais tarde, Feuerbach) desta gênese vem mais tarde a ser fundamentada de forma mais sistemática nas análises husserlianas da intersubjectividade e desenvolvida pela corrente mais propriamente chamada “dialógica”, que nos inícios dos anos vinte uniu pensadores de diversa formação e militância (Cohen, Rosenzweig, Buber, Ebner), embora claramente marcada pela influência religiosa7. A nenhum destes autores lhe passou pela cabeça, todavia, escolher o estilo “dialogal” para expor ou comunicar o seu pensamento. (Borges-Duarte)

The priority and the understanding of the personalistic attitude is in theory clearly articulated here. But when we look more closely at how the definition of the person given in personal experience is carried out, we are referred once again to what is already familiar to us. The personalistic attitude and experience is characterized as inspectio sui, as an inner inspection of itself as the ego of intentionality, that is, the ego taken as subject of cogitationes. The very expression here already reminds us quite clearly of Descartes. Every such ego at once has its nature side as the underground of subjectivity. Mind is not an abstract ego but the full personality. Ego, man, subject as persons cannot dissolve into nature, for then what gives sense to nature would be missing. “For if we eliminate all minds from the world, there is no longer a nature. But if we eliminate nature, the ‘true’ objectively intersubjective existence, there is always still something left: mind as individual mind. It has merely lost the possibility of sociality, the possibility of a comprehension which presupposes a certain intersubjectivity of the body.” “In the mind’s stream of consciousness, however, what manifests itself in each case is its unity, its individuality.” Unlike things, the mind has its individuality in itself. “Minds are not really unities of appearances but unities of absolute contextures of consciousness,” – the immanently given. “Nature is the X and in principle nothing but an X defined by universal determinations. Mind, however, is not an X, but that which is itself given in the experience of mind.” (GA20EN:§13)

VIDE: Intersubjektivität

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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