
Gelegenheit, oportunidade, oportunity, occasion, ocasião

The possibilities of being-composed (Die Möglichkeiten des Gefaßtseins) in relation to various dispositions (Befindlichkeiten) that are characterized by not being composed or losing my composure are graspable only by way of undergoing (durchgemacht) various situations (Situationen) involving risk. The opportunity (Gelegenheit) of cultivating this how of being-there (Wie des Daseins) itself is called for only by way of not retreating from life’s possibilities and risks (Gefahren). In the manner and mode (Art und Weise) that we, correspondingly, are present to our being in the full presence (Gegenwart) of the situation encountered, we grasp ἕξις. Since we make use of possibilities of action (Handeln) and of concern (Besorgen) in the manner and mode of finding (Befinden), first and foremost we appropriate ἕξις, and not the other way around, having it as a possession so as to then make use of it, but rather χρησάμενοι ἔσχομεν. (Eth. Nic. Β 1, 1103 a 30 sq.) This undergoing (Durchmachen), taking-opportunities or seeking-out-opportunities (Gelegenheit-Nehmen oder -Aufsuchen), is a process (Umgang). Since we are with-one-another (miteinander), in the process of dealing with human beings, we come to be steady and level-headed (gesetzt und besonnen). Since we bring ourselves into situations involving risks (gefährliche Lagen), we have the possibility of learning courage (Mut), of leaving cowardice (Feigheit) behind, not in a fantasized reflection upon being-there, but rather in venturing-out into being-there (Sichhinauswagen in das Dasein) according to the possibilities of existence as encountered. For this determination should not be conceived as though there were a τέχνη for this taking-opportunites and venturing-out into the δεινά of life. (…) Nor is there a παραγγελία for this, something like a universal military field order, an a priori ethics, by which humanity becomes better eo ipso (Eth. Nic. Β 2, 1104 a 7 sqq.). Everyone must have, for himself, his eyes trained on that which is at the moment and which matters to him. (GA18MT:122-123)

VIDE: Gelegenheit

occasion convenable

NT: Opportunity (Gelegenheit) of circumspection, 172, 174, 300, 359, 389. See also Circumspection; Circumstances (BT)

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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