Scholar: If then, after all that has been said, you are not opposed to science, then it would indeed be revealing and beneficial to the advancement of our conversation if you could say what it is that you really will to gain [wollen] from exerting yourself with us to illuminate the essence of cognition and especially thinking.
Guide : Since you so directly put me on the spot to say something, I must also directly, and therefore insufficiently, reply. What I really will [will] in (…)
Página inicial > Palavras-chave > Index Textes > GA77 / GA 77 / GA LXXVII
GA77 / GA 77 / GA LXXVII
Feldweg-Gespräche. (1944-1945) [1995]
GA77: Wille - vontade
2 de agosto de 2017, por Cardoso de Castro -
GA77: Estrutura da obra
2 de agosto de 2017, por Cardoso de CastroDavis
1. Άγχιβασίη: A Triadic Conversation on a Country Path between a Scientist, a Scholar, and a Guide
2. The Teacher Meets the Tower Warden at the Door to the Tower Stairway
3. Evening Conversation: In a Prisoner of War Camp in Russia, between a Younger and an Older Man
Άγχιβασίη Ein Gespräch selbstdritt auf einem Feldweg zwischen einem Forscher, einem Gelehrten und einem Weisen
Der Lehrer trifft den Türmer an der Tür zum Turniaufgang
Abendgespräch in einem (…) -
Wilberg (HPIT) – As Sutras de Heidegger
24 de setembro de 2023, por Cardoso de CastroDizemos que olhamos para o horizonte. Portanto, o campo de visão é algo aberto, mas sua abertura não se deve ao nosso olhar. Pelo contrário, nosso olhar se deve a esta abertura.
Heidegger’s ‘Discourse on Thinking’, first published in 1959, includes two remarkable and profound pieces – his Memorial Address in honour of the German composer Conradin Kreutzer, and his ‘Conversation on a Country Path’. In his introduction to the English translation of both pieces, John Anderson notes how they (…)