Introductory Remarks of the Lecture Course, Summer Semester, 1936
1. Schelling’s Work and the Task of This Interpretation
2. Schelling’s Dates; Editions of His Work, and Literature on Him
3. Schelling’s Question about Freedom as Historical Questioning about Being
4. Schelling and Hegel
A. Interpretation of the First Discussions in Schelling’s Treatise
Introduction to the Introduction (pages 7-9)
1. Freedom in the Scientific World View as a Whole
2. What Is a System and How Does Philosophy Come to Build Systems?
3. Sketch of Modern Projects for a System (Spinoza, Kant’s Will to a System, Kant’s Significance for German Idealism)
4. The Step beyond Kant. (Intellectual Intuition and Absolute Knowledge in Schelling)
5. Is a System of Freedom Possible? (Onto-theo-logy. Principles ofKnowledge)
6. The Inevitability of the Question about the System of Freedom
B. Interpretation of the Introduction to Schelling’s Treatise (pages 9-31)
1. The Question of the System and Pantheism
2. Various Possible Interpretations of Pantheism
3. Pantheism and the Ontological Question. (Identity, Dialectic of the “Is”)
4. Various Versions of the Concept of Freedom. (The Ontological Question as a Fundamental Question)
5. The Nature and Boundaries of Idealism’s Position
6. Schelling’s Concept of Freedom: Freedom for Good and Evil. The Question of Evil and its Ground
C. Interpretation of the Main Part of Schelling’s Treatise. Its Task: Metaphysics of Evil as the Foundation of a System of Freedom (pages 31-98)
I. The Inner Possibility of Evil
a. The Question of Evil and the Question of Being
b. The Jointure of Being: Schelling’s Distinction of Ground and Existence
c. The Becoming of God and Creatures. (Temporality, Movement, and Being)
d. The Jointure of Being in God
e. Longing as the Nature of the Ground in God. (The Existence of God in Identity with His Ground)
f. Creation as the Movement of Becoming of the Absolute and of Created Beings (The Individuation of Created Beings)
g. The Questionability of Today’s Interpretation of Nature. Reality and Objective Presence (Vorhandenheit)
h. Self-Will and Universal Will. The Separability of the Principles in Man as the Condition of the Possibility of Evil
II. The Universal Reality of Evil as the Possibility of Individuals
III. The Process of the Individuation of Real Evil
IV. The Form of Evil Appearing in Man
V. The Justification of God’s Divinity in the Face of Evil
VI. Evil in the System as a Whole
VII. The Highest Unity of Beings as a Whole and Human Freedom