Our third — and, for the Cartesian, perhaps the most shocking — feature of Heidegger’s account of our relationship to the Umwelt emerges from the “many different modes of actualizing itself” that Dasein’s “movement of concern displays”; Heidegger’s examples are (106) tinkering with, preparing for, production of, guaranteeing by, making use of, utilizing for, taking possession of, safekeeping of, and forfeiting of (Hantieren an, Bereitstellen von, Herstellen von, Sicherstellen durch, in Gebrauchnehmen von, Verwenden für, in Besitznehmen von, in Verwahrung halten und in Verlust geraten lassen). (GA62:353/159)
Wrathall (105-106) – modos de atualização de si
- ateísmo [LDMH]
- phronesis [LDMH]
- vida fáctica [LDMH]
- Wrathall (2021:107-108) – objetos, meras coisas ou significativos
- Wrathall (2021:107) – vida significa ser-no-mundo
- Wrathall (2021:108-109) – em-si inalcançável
- Wrathall (2021:173) – investigação filosófica, confronto destrutivo com sua história
- Wrathall (2021:376-377) – investigação filosófica, confronto destrutivo com sua história
- Wrathall (2021:43) – vida fáctica do índivíduo