
Unity (Einheit): of analogy, 3; of being-in-the-world, 53, 351; of being-outside-of itself, 430 (Hegel); unity of care, 181, 316, 327-328, 351; of Dasein’s constitution, 200; of Dasein’s existential structure, 351; of experiences, 390; of horizonal schemata, 365; of the I, 433 (Hegel); of living-through, 47 (Scheler); of meaning 48 (Scheler); of nature, 144; of the person, 47-48 (Scheler); of project, 407; of relations, 354; of significance, 365; of spatiality, 104; of the structural whole, 317, 325 of temporality, 339-340, 365-366, 369, 408, 423; of temporalizing, 354, 427; of the there, 366; of things of nature, 48; of the world, 364; ecstatic unity; 328, 339-340, 342, 346, 349-350, 353, 355, 363 n. 22, 365, 381, 408, 421, 423; of future and having-been, 397; of making-present and retentive awaiting, 355, 416; of the ontic and the historical, 403; of the reference of serviceability and the reference of indicating, 78; of thro wriness and being-towards-death, 374; unitary phenomena, 53, 151, 181, 326; unitary structures, 130-131, 192; of places, 104fn. See also ecstatic unity; sum; whole (BT)

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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