Tag: Zuhandenheit

disponibilité, être en main, utilizabilidade, handiness, estar a la mano

  • (BSpace) The individual object however has its place where I look for it and find it, in so far as a place is assigned to it by someone. The place is thus already the result of human creation of order. The manner of assignation can again vary greatly in detail. Things are, to quote Heidegger,…

  • (BSpace) A suitable starting point is provided by Heidegger’s analysis of human spatiality in Being and time, which, despite being restricted by the different direction of the questions raised in this book, clearly discusses the decisive features of this space. I will follow it, without keeping in detail to the structure required by the total…

  • O ente que faz encontro na ocupação, denominamos o utensílio. O que se encontra no uso, são utensílios para escrever, para cozer, para efetuar um trabalho manual, para se deslocar, para medir. O modo de ser do utensílio deve ser destacado. O que faremos tomando por fio condutor uma prévia delimitação do que faz de…

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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