Tag: Zeit-lassen
se-laisser-du-temps (EtreTemps) allowing itself time (BT) NT: Letting (Lassen): be (sein lassen), 84-85, 84fn, 298 (the others), 345, 354; be seen (sehen lassen), 32-35, 44, 63, 141 (see), 154-155, 158, 213, 218-219; be relevant (Bewendenlassen), 84-87, 110-111, 353-356; be encountered (Begegnenlassen), 85-86, 104, 111, 137, 264, 326, 328, 346, 354-356, 366, 408; itself be concerned…
laisser-du-temps allowing time NT: Time (Zeit): as the horizon for the understanding or interpretation of being, 1, 17, 39, 41, 235, 437; the ordinary way to understanding or interpreting time, 18, 235, 304, 326, 328-329, 338 n. 3, 404-437 (ILVI; esp. §81); traditional conception of, 18, 24, 235, 349, 428, 432 n. 30; everyday experience…