Tag: Stellung

  • Heidegger was inspired and convinced that the phenomenological project was a crucial new attempt to delineate what philosophical research should be trying to achieve. Nevertheless, he was not content with the idea that what distinguishes the way that we engage with phenomenology from everyday and theoretical discourse should be understood as a shift in attitude.…

  • “Conception” here translates the noun Vorstellung. Elsewhere in this volume, Vorstellung will usually be translated by “representation,” and its related verb vorstellen by “to represent.” Both “conception” and “representation” should suggest a placing or setting-up-before. Cf. the discussion of Vorstellung in The Age of the World Picture (QCT p. 131-132).

  • En réalité, les six paragraphes qui dans l’Introduction de Sein und Zeit précèdent la détermination de la phénoménologie comme méthode de la recherche, ne sont pas classiquement destinés à fixer le thème retenu, à poser, comme on dit, le problème dont le livre est censé traiter. Si les paragraphes d’introduction posent une question, c’est justement…

  • Le (Rickert) resulta imposible llegar a entender el carácter de conocimiento propio de la representación, porque tiene como presupuesto un concepto mítico del representar tomado de la filosofía científico-natural, que es lo (55) que le lleva a la formulación de que en el representar lo que se representan son las representaciones. En el caso de…

  • “Position for looking,” “position of looking,” and “position which looks at” have been used for Blickstellung and Blickstand, since as Heidegger makes clear in §17B he means by these terms not simply a reflective and deliberately adopted epistemological “standpoint,” but more literally and in a deeper sense a “position” (Stellung) and “state” (Stand) of interpretive…

  • Em “A Questão da Técnica”, este desafio muitas vezes parece derivar de uma atitude ou comportamento humano: “Somente na medida em que o ser humano, por sua vez, já está sendo desafiado a acelerar a energia natural, é que este desencobrimento ordenado pode ocorrer” (GA7: 18/QCT 18, tm). Nas palestras de Bremen, no entanto, a…