Tag: phainomenon

  • L’expression est composée de deux éléments : phénomène et logos ; l’un et l’autre remontent à des termes grecs : phainomenon ou logos. Considéré extérieurement, le titre « phénoménologie » est formé de la même manière que théologie, biologie, sociologie, noms que l’on traduit par : science de Dieu, de la vie, de la communauté.…

  • Phenomenology (Phänomenologie) is put together from (λόγος, logos) and (ϕαινόμενον, phainomenon). Φαινόμενον means: something that shows itself. Φαίνομαι is the same as “to show itself,” ϕαίνω the same as “to bring something to the light of day.” The stem is ϕα; this is connected with ϕῶς which is the same as light (Licht), daylightness (Helligkeit).…

  • Thus for Heidegger, {phainomenon} means ‘that which show’s itself in itself, the manifest’ (das {Offenbare}, BT § 7, 51; 28). Phenomenology has to do with self-manifestation. Things show themselves in many ways, depending on the modes of access we have to them: indeed sometimes things show themselves as what they are not, in cases of…

  • A expressão grega φαινόμενον, a que remonta o termo “fenômeno”, deriva do verbo φαίνεσθαι. Φαίνεσθαι significa: mostrar-se e, por isso, φαινόμενον diz o que se mostra, o que se revela. Já em si mesmo, porém, φαίνεσθαι é a forma média de φαίνω – trazer para a luz do dia, pôr no claro, φαίνω pertence à…

  • In Heidegger’s telling, the Greeks were the first to fundamentally experience being (to on) as phainomenon, that which of itself shows itself, that which appears. Professor John H. Finley, Jr., in his informative Four Stages of Greek Thought1 confirms from a classicist’s point of view what Heidegger finds operative in Greek thought from Homer to…

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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