Tag: (A) Moran

MORAN, Dermot

  • Given the difficulty of doing philosophy (i.e. escaping from the natural attitude which constantly seeks to reassert itself), it is necessary to employ a set of procedures which Husserl generally labels as the ‘reduction’ (from the Latin reducere, ‘to lead back’). Husserl’s so-called discovery of the reduction took place in the summer of 1905,17 but,…

  • Thus for Heidegger, {phainomenon} means ‘that which show’s itself in itself, the manifest’ (das {Offenbare}, BT § 7, 51; 28). Phenomenology has to do with self-manifestation. Things show themselves in many ways, depending on the modes of access we have to them: indeed sometimes things show themselves as what they are not, in cases of…

  • A relação de Derrida com a fenomenologia baseia-se não apenas em seus estudos detalhados de Husserl, mas também em sua complexa relação com Heidegger. Assim, em Positions, Derrida afirma: O que tentei fazer não teria sido possível sem a abertura das questões de Heidegger… não teria sido possível sem a atenção ao que Heidegger chama…

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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