Tag: logos
horismos (…) definitio is ορισμός, ορισμός is a λόγος (logos), a “self-expression” (Sichaussprechen) about being-there as being (Dasein als Sein). Ορισμός is not a way of apprehending through sharp determination (eine Bestimmung des scharfen Fassens), but rather the specific character of ορισμός ultimately arises from the fact that the being itself is determined in its…
A palavra grega philosophía remonta à palavra philósophos. Originariamente esta palavra é um adjetivo como philárgyros, o que ama a prata, como philótimos, o que ama a honra. A palavra philósophos foi presumivelmente criada por Heráclito. Isto quer dizer que para Heráclito ainda não existe a philosophía. Um anèr philósophos não é um homem ‘filosófico’.…
Λόγος: “speaking,” not in the sense of uttering a sound but speaking about something in a way that exhibits the about-which of speaking by showing that which is spoken about. The genuine function of the λόγος is the άποφαίνεσθαι, the “bringing of a matter to sight.” Every speaking is, above all for the Greeks, a…