Tag: GA82
Zu eigenen Veröffentlichungen – Anmerkungen zu “Vom Wesen Grun” (1936) – Eine Auseinandersetzung mit “Sein und Zeit” (1936) -Laufende Anmerkungen zu “Sein und Zeit (1936) [n.p.]
Zu eigenen Veröffentlichungen – Anmerkungen zu “Vom Wesen Grun” (1936) – Eine Auseinandersetzung mit “Sein und Zeit” (1936) -Laufende Anmerkungen zu “Sein und Zeit (1936) (n.p.)
Phenomenology an important passage (Durchgang)—its significance for the impetus toward actual seeing—quite irrespective of the guiding perspective in each instance—its limit—in its indirect relation to philosophical questioning; it treats the previous objects of philosophy in a new way; but it does not question from the ground up—in terms of Dasein—historically. Through phenomenology, what was previously…
Certain though it is that Being and Time is caught up in phenomenology and ontology—and in looking at them cross-eyed—and in being caught up in them is, at the same time, also driven forward—the task is now just as decidedly to break free from the fundamental position thus attained, from out of the midst of…
Yet what is the true bearing (Haltung) contained within the unclearly sought-after procedure (Verfahren) of the phenomenology of existence and of the ontological-transcendental? In phenomenology, not taking its measure from matters (Sachen) in themselves lying before us, but in truth [] directed toward the command of the leap in, and with the intent [] of…